Cosmetic products: cosmetic products, people, safe, effective and high quality products to ensure that they achieve to be notified before they are placed on the market, with the construction of market surveillance and control of these products was determined on the basis of control of production.

Legal description of cosmetic and food supplement products: These are products intended for use on the lips, hair, nails, body, external genitalia, teeth and oral mucosa. It contains substances and preparations, the main purpose of which is to cleanse these parts, give them a smell, change their appearance, correct, maintain and maintain them in good condition.

It cannot be argued that cosmetic products and fortified foods treat any disease, help treat it, prevent the disease, help prevent it. It can not be argued that cosmetic products act on the lower layers of the skin and permanently. The product descriptions specified on our website are based on information and documents such as product labels, brochures offered by manufacturers and importers. This information does not mean that the promised effects of the products will definitely occur or that there are no side effects.

Expiration Date on Cosmetic Products: You have the right to obtain information from our company about products you are not sure about. There is information about the manufacturer of all the products you have purchased. The expiration date of each product is indicated. In order not to encounter any problems, please note the time when you started using the product. If the expiration date has passed, be sure to stop using it.

Please note that while accurate results can be obtained with respect to products when checking with barcodes or serial numbers from many online platforms, some brands may give incorrect results with respect to some brands. There is no guarantee that the results provided by these platforms are accurate and accurate.

Use products that are suitable for your skin and body in the right way:
Food Supplements and cosmetics, vitamin combinations and fortifying products have the potential to cause different side effects. Please consult a doctor in case of any negativity to pay attention to this issue. When choosing products, be sure to choose products that match your skin type and use them with attention to expiration dates. From improper use of products ............ he is not responsible.

General Rules for the Promotion of Cosmetic Products:
1. Care should be taken not to use the products as if they actually have excellent qualities and no implication should be made in the product packaging information, promotional materials and promotions made by the promotional staff. Pharmacopoeial monographs of the components of products and the raw materials that make up them, etc. promotions that do not correspond to the definition of cosmetics in the resources and/or do not belong to the product characteristics are not suitable.

2. The name or logo of the Ministry should not be used.

3. The organization, institution, contact name, logo, emblem and original corporate identities should not be aimed at deceiving the consumer. The names of people participating in product research, documents of institutions and organizations should not be used without permission.

4. All other operations, including product notification operations, which are required to be performed according to the Cosmetics Regulation, should not be used for promotional purposes.

5.Promotional activities that threaten the environment and human health and safety should not be carried out.

a) Statements about environmental safety that are allegedly of ecological interest when promoting products should not be used without a document.
b)Advertising An advertising sign that implies an ecological superiority that the product does not have should not be used.

6. Unfair competition and/or promotions that mislead the consumer should not be used. The following considerations create misleading publicity.
a) Providing incorrect information as if the product has non-existent properties and does not exist,
b) Although its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven in product promotion, there is an expectation that the effect will be final,
c) The results of scientific studies and claims about the effectiveness of the product are incompatible
ç) Claiming that there will be no undesirable effects and allergies as a result of proper and/or long-term use,
d) Providing false and/or misleading information about the education, qualifications and achievements of the manufacturer, the people who designed the product or worked for them,
e) Contain content that defames similar products when promoting products,
f) Deconstructing the consumer between a cosmetic product and a human medical product in the product expression.

7) Product promotion; information, advice, comments and news products published on the media should be in such a way that it is easily perceived that it is a promotion. There should be no implicit promotion.

8) In product promotions:
a) Phrases related to preventing, treating, diagnosing, correcting any disease and correcting physiological function,
b) To make statements that it changes, renews and corrects physiological functions as a result of immunological, metabolic and pharmacological effects,
c) Statements referring to the effect of medicinal products on the human
The foregoing considerations can not be used in the promotion of cosmetics and food supplement products.

Last Updated Date : .......

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